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Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Revolution Lisa Bodell on FREE shipping on qualifying offers In the everchanging world of business weve arrived at a point where process has trumped culture where the race toward efficiency has made us complacent and unable to reach our potential Stuck in the land of status quo Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Revolution Kindle edition by Lisa Bodell Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Revolution Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation In her brand new book Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Revolution Bodell offers lots of business Lisa founded her company on the principle that with the right knowledge and tools everyone has the power to innovate Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Lisa Bodell is founder and CEO of futurethink and author of Kill The Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Revolution A respected thought leader on innovation topics Bodell has appeared on FOX News and is author of numerous articles for such publications as Crain’s Bloomberg Businessweek The New York Times Business Daily KILL THE COMPANY End the Status Quo Start an Innovation KILL THE COMPANY End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Revolution By Lisa Bodell FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Publication Date May 15 2012 Contact Jessica Krakoski Cave Henricks Communications 512 9049253 or Jessica In today’s economy innovation is the lifeblood of s uccess Companies know they have to “think Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Revolution Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Revolution to start a revolution in how we think and work But instead of more onesizefitsall change initiatives forced upon Customer reviews Kill the Company End the Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Revolution at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users Kill the Company Identify Your Weaknesses Before Your Lisa Bodell author of Kill the Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Revolution argues that there are straightforward ways to make change without bogging down the organization Kill The Company Forbes It’s not hyperbole to suggest that “Kill The Company End the Status Quo Start an Innovation Revolution” is changing the thinking of business leadership and is creating leaders wanting to
Title : Kill the Company: End the Status Quo, Start an Innovation Revolution
ISBN : 1937134024
Release Date : 2012-06-21
Number of Pages :
Author :
Rating : 4.5
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